Spring Fever for Fresh Looks
Well hallelujah spring is here! Feels like it took forever to get here this year! And spring fever is finally here as well!
More and more of my clients are coming in wanting a fresh new look for the spring! I don't blame them, I love that too! It symbolizes moving on, feeling new. Makes you feel fresh every time you look in the mirror. I always say, you don't have to go drastic. On the contrary subtle changes goes a long way! This is the time of year people want to go blonder, redder, a little shorter a little longer with more layers and so on. Probably more than any other time of year spring seems to be the time of year that makes people want to change and freshen up! Spring clean your image! Go for it!
As most of you know highlights and color are my thing so pump it up!!!
What Ombre was to 2013, Ecaille will be the trend for 2015. We’ve seen the fashionable crowd shift away from dramatic contrast from roots to ends, and towards more natural effects. The best result comes from taking your natural color and adding caramel, amber and golden highlights. It’s a much softer effect than ombre, and creates a more blended multi-dimension throughout the hair. The color can skew warm or cool, depending on your skin tone. Ideally you should keep more depth at the roots so you can extend time between appointments, keeping it on the lower maintenance side.

Multi-tonal Crop
If your new style is hip and rock, why not wear your blonde in an edgy crop? To make it more chic, you can make it multi-tonal blonde, thus, combining dark and light shades of blonde. The output will be a modern, bold, and hot new you.
One-dimensional, by definition, means shallow, surface level, lacking in depth. In other words, it's not a word we usually throw around as a compliment. But forget all that, because the prettiest colors for spring are rich, impactful and—yes—one-dimensional.

Caramel Blonde

Red Heads:
We’ve seen them move towards softer pastel tones. Inspirations come from Jessica Chastain and Amy Adams. Coloring your hair red is easy just as long as you don’t want to color it lighter than your natural hair color, or are starting with natural hair color. Otherwise you will need to strip some of the darker pigment first.
More and more of my clients are coming in wanting a fresh new look for the spring! I don't blame them, I love that too! It symbolizes moving on, feeling new. Makes you feel fresh every time you look in the mirror. I always say, you don't have to go drastic. On the contrary subtle changes goes a long way! This is the time of year people want to go blonder, redder, a little shorter a little longer with more layers and so on. Probably more than any other time of year spring seems to be the time of year that makes people want to change and freshen up! Spring clean your image! Go for it!
As most of you know highlights and color are my thing so pump it up!!!
Multi-tonal Crop
If your new style is hip and rock, why not wear your blonde in an edgy crop? To make it more chic, you can make it multi-tonal blonde, thus, combining dark and light shades of blonde. The output will be a modern, bold, and hot new you.
One-dimensional, by definition, means shallow, surface level, lacking in depth. In other words, it's not a word we usually throw around as a compliment. But forget all that, because the prettiest colors for spring are rich, impactful and—yes—one-dimensional.
Caramel Blonde
Red Heads:
We’ve seen them move towards softer pastel tones. Inspirations come from Jessica Chastain and Amy Adams. Coloring your hair red is easy just as long as you don’t want to color it lighter than your natural hair color, or are starting with natural hair color. Otherwise you will need to strip some of the darker pigment first.
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